Isla Canela is undoubtedly the best beach in Andalusia to learn Kite surfing. The continuous and soft wind, its large expanses of sand and its calm and deep waters make it a privileged place to learn this modality.
This kite surfing course consists of two parts: one on land and one on the water.

kitesurf lesson Isla canela Kanela sailing school
For the part of land Isla Canela has the perfect conditions that are: constant breeze that comes from the sea and large areas of sand to practice safely. The sand is quite clean of any object that could harm us, so practicing on land becomes very comfortable and safe.
kitesurf lesson Isla canela Kanela sailing school
The water part conditions are unbeatable since Isla Canela has extensive areas of shallow water in which to learn very simple since the instructor can stay close to the students and guide all movements to learn quickly and safely. The student feels very comfortable and the exercises of recovering the table, relaunching the water kite and water Start and they find it very easy to learn. Learning can be sure that it will be done quickly and efficiently.
If you are interested in learning to sail, we invite you to learn in our school, you can see all the information of our courses in

kitesurf lesson Isla canela Kanela sailing school kitesurf lesson Isla canela Kanela sailing school


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